Cosmetic Testing - scientist performing a test

Shelf-life Testing

Before your product hits store shelves, it’s important to understand how it will perform over time. We offer accelerated shelf-life studies to replicate longer periods of storage in short time spans so you don’t need to wait years for valuable feedback.

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Why is shelf-life testing important?

Shelf-life studies are important to determine if products become rancid or spoil prior to use or consumption; to ensure that active ingredients and nutrients don’t degrade; and that taste, odor, color, or appearance don’t change significantly over time. To demonstrate product quality, stability and safety to consumers and retailers we can:

  • Identify issues with product formulation and take steps to fix them
  • Ensure that packaging maintains integrity under extreme storage conditions
  • Confirm that the manufacturing process and formulation prevent microbial contamination

Studies can be designed to assess:

    • Stability of active ingredients
    • Optimal storage conditions
    • Optimal pH
    • Interactions between ingredients
    • Resistance to microbial growth
    • Package integrity
    • Evaporation of water or volatile ingredients
    • Changes in color, odor, consistency

What products need testing?

Any product that will be consumed in some shape or form could benefit from stability testing. Some examples include:

Nutritional supplements

Cosmetic Testing




The Harken Difference

We don’t just provide valuable data you need to know about your product stability but also offer solutions on how to resolve them. We will be your partner through every step of your manufacturing process to help you achieve the best product possible.


Contact us with any scientific or manufacturing challenges.

We can help troubleshoot issues related to production, formulation, and product stability.

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Excellent team of scientists

We get invested in your projects and want to see you succeed, so we put in the extra effort to help you solve problems.

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